The WinWin4WorkLife project has set sail on a groundbreaking journey under the Horizon Europe program, initiating a 3.5-year exploration aimed at comprehensively understanding and addressing the impacts of Remote Work Arrangements (RWA) in Europe. This interdisciplinary initiative brings together experts in economics, geography, sociology, urban planning, health, and law to identify key conditions for a healthy work-life balance, develop forecasting models, and formulate evidence-based policies for sustainable RWA.
Remote Work Arrangements (RWA) involve employees working outside the traditional office setting, often from home or other locations, using digital tools and technology for tasks and collaboration.
At the core of the WinWin4WorkLife project is a mission to enrich interdisciplinary understanding of RWA’s social, economic, and spatial impacts. By amalgamating the perspectives of both employers and employees, the project aims to pinpoint essential living and working conditions that foster a healthy work-life balance and gender equity. This mission spans diverse environments, encompassing urban, rural, and cross-border areas.
To achieve these ambitious objectives, WinWin4WorkLife will gather novel and comprehensive data in five European countries—Germany, Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, and Slovakia. These countries have been strategically chosen to represent distinct welfare systems, housing and labor markets, and cultural norms related to remote work.
The MOTUS data collection platform will be used to collect employer surveys, employee surveys and time-use diaries that embed geolocation points.
Collaborating closely with stakeholders and citizens, WinWin4WorkLife is poised to produce tangible outcomes that will shape the landscape of remote work. This includes the development of a shared vocabulary, an updated conceptual diagram of private and work life interactions, and the creation of open datasets sourced from employer surveys, employee surveys, time-use diaries, and qualitative interviews conducted in the case studies.
WinWin4WorkLife brings together a consortium of 15 partners across Europe dedicated to better understanding how to balance work and life for a win-win situation in Remote Work Arrangements (RWA) between employees and employers.