Designing, creating, and conducting the International Association’s Time Use Survey (IATUS) through MOTUS

Joeri Minnen 28 November 2023

Time use surveys (TUS) collect data on daily life. Yet a TUS is a complex survey because it exists of multiple tasks that need to be completed by a respondent, such as the completion of a household
questionnaire, individual questionnaires and time-diaries for all eligible household members. As such, TUSs face numerous challenges, such as the need to replace the expensive and laborious paper-
and-pencil method by a digitalized method with smart ways to reduce respondent burden amid the absence of updated guidelines to harmonize digitalized TUS across NSIs. Many of these challenges
relate to the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice.
To tackle these challenges and to modernize the method with great attention to privacy and data security, multiple methods, modes, and applications have been developed. One of which is the data
collection platform MOTUS, developed by the Research Group TOR of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel started in 2012. Since 2018, MOTUS is further developed within the spin-off company hbits, through
projects done for and in collaboration with National Statistical Offices. This presentation aims to demonstrate live how MOTUS can be used to design, create, and conduct a tailor-made one-day
TUS for the 45th IATUR conference.
